Kalashnikova Larysa Е, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering FBMI, Deputy Deanfor International Cooperation.
In 1983 shegraduated the Biology Faculty of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University, by specialty «Biology and Biophysics». In 1994, She defended her dissertation in two specialties: “Сhemistry of natural compounds” and “Pharmacology”.
Since 1994 he has been working as an associate professor at the Center for International Education at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, andsince 1996 he has been working as an associate professor at the Acoustics and Acous to electronics Department, of Faculty Electronics. At the Acoustics and Acoustoe lectronics Department, she teaches disciplines of medical and biological orientation. She teaches such as disciplines “Biology with the basics of physiology”, “Methods of diagnosis and therapy”, “Influence of acoustic waveson biological systems”, “Environmental acoustics”.
Since 2015 he has been working at the Faculty of Biomedicine, is an associate professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Since 2016, he has been acting Deputy Dean for International Cooperation.
At the Department of BMI she has been teaches such as disciplines “Biothermodynamics and Mass Transfer”, “Bioorganic Chemistry”, “Biomedical Nanotechnology”, “Introduction to the specialty -Fundamentals of Biomedical Ethics” and “Fundamentals of Biologyand Medicine”, “Fundamentals of Scientific Work”. She is the research supervisor of many master’s and bachelor’s the dimplome works.
She has been teaches such as disciplines as “Bioorganic Chemistry”, “Biomedical Nanotechnology”, “Introduction to the specialty – Fundamentals of Biomedical Ethics” and “Biophysics” by English language.
She is the author of more than 70 scientific publications. Among it the more 10 articles in the SCOPUS scientific and metric database. She has three patents: two for a utility model and one for an invention.